Program Details

Back Liver Program

Work on Shoulder Flexibility: The back lever requires a significant amount of shoulder flexibility. Incorporate stretching exercises such as shoulder dislocates, doorway stretches, and shoulder mobility drills into your routine to improve flexibility and range of motion.

Master the Tuck Position: Begin by practicing the tuck back lever, where you tuck your knees towards your chest while holding the lever position. This reduces the lever arm and makes the move more manageable while you develop the necessary strength and body awareness.

Progress to Advanced Tuck and Single Leg Variations: As you become more comfortable with the tuck back lever, gradually extend one leg at a time to progress to the advanced tuck back lever and eventually the single leg back lever. This increases the lever arm and places more demand on your strength and stability.

Focus on Body Positioning: Pay close attention to your body positioning during the back lever. Aim to keep your body straight and horizontal, with your shoulders engaged and your hips lifted. Avoid arching your back or letting your shoulders collapse forward.

Engage Your Core and Glutes: Maintain a strong core and active glutes throughout the back lever to stabilize your body and prevent your lower back from sagging. Imagine pressing your belly button towards your spine and squeezing your glutes to maintain tension.

Practice Eccentric Lowering: If you're struggling with holding the back lever position, focus on the eccentric (lowering) phase of the movement. Start from the top of the position and lower yourself down slowly and with control, aiming for a smooth descent.

Use Assistance: If needed, use assistance from resistance bands or a spotter to help you get into and hold the back lever position. Gradually decrease the assistance as you get stronger and more confident.

Be Patient and Persistent: Progressing to a full back lever takes time and consistent practice. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small improvements along the way. Stay committed to your training and trust in the process.

Online Group Training 1 month₹20006am, 7am, 6am, 7pm

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