Program Details

Pushup Up Program


Push-ups are a fundamental bodyweight exercise that can be scaled to accommodate individuals of all fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to build strength or an advanced athlete aiming to master advanced variations, our Push-Up Mastery program is designed to help you achieve your goals.

Program Overview:

Our Push-Up Mastery program provides a systematic approach to improving your push-up strength, endurance, and technique. Through progressive training, you'll gradually increase the difficulty of your push-up workouts, leading to noticeable improvements in your upper body strength and muscular endurance.

Key Components:

Form and Technique: Learn proper push-up form and technique to maximize effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury.

Strength Building: Develop upper body strength, including chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles, through targeted exercises and progressions.

Endurance Training: Increase your push-up endurance by gradually increasing the number of repetitions and sets in your workouts.

Variations and Progressions: Explore different push-up variations and progressions, such as incline push-ups, decline push-ups, and one-arm push-ups, to continually challenge yourself and avoid plateaus.

Recovery and Injury Prevention: Incorporate rest days and recovery techniques to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

Program Structure:

Our Push-Up Mastery program consists of structured training sessions that progressively increase in intensity and complexity. Each session includes warm-up exercises, push-up variations, supplementary strength exercises, and cooldown stretches to optimize your training and promote recovery.

Who Can Benefit:

Beginners looking to build upper body strength and master the basics of push-ups

Intermediate athletes aiming to improve their push-up form, endurance, and strength

Advanced individuals seeking to master advanced push-up variations and achieve new fitness milestones

Online Group Training
1 month ₹20006am, 7am, 6am, 7pm

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